Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Graduate

Congratulations to my baby cousin, Kaytlyn!
In addition to June 7th being my dad's birthday, this year Kayltyn graduated High School.
We are so proud of her!

Happy Birthday to The Dad!

June 7, 2011 was my dad's 56th birthday.
Here are a couple pictures of the best dad in the world!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Quick Catch-Up

After the bow party with Boozer here is what happened in my life:

1. Christmas was spent in warm, sunny California with my parents, my sister, brother in law, nieces, and Perry.

2.  New Year's was spent in freezing cold temperatures in Salt Lake and I was able to share it once again with Perry and in the company of some great friends.

3.  January had a visit to California to visit the Toad.

4.  February was my 1st trip to Texas, where I spent Valentine's Day.  Went up to Austin with Perry.

5.  March was a full month - St. Patrick's Day, another visit to Texas for Perry's 1st football game of the season, and James' birthday.

6.  April was a month of ups and downs.  Perry tore his LCL so he couldn't play and came into town.  We ended up going to Vegas with Kyle and Tara.  Then I spent a week and a half in California enjoying my family and the sun.

7.  That leaves today, Cinco De Mayo!!! 

And the rest has yet to be written. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Boozer Bows

Weird things happy around Christmas, especially when you start getting out the decorations.
You find things you forgot you had...

Boozer Bambi

 Makes you want to start singing ♪Oh Christmas Tree♪ doesn't it?

Things get even weirder when you find an old bag of bows that are smashed.
Why waste perfectly good bows?

Is that a look of excitement on his face?

That sure isn't excitement!

I think he's a little unhappy that this one fell off!

Brynn's 1st Dance Performance

On December 4th 2010 my "not-a-niece" Brynn had her 1st Dance Performance at the Festival of Trees.

Brynn didn't think her stage time was up and had to be ushered off by one of the older dancers.

The cutie pie with the flowers I couldn't resist taking her - all little girls deserve flowers after a performance right?

The cute West kids produced by Kyle and Tara


In November I took one of my monthly trips to California to babysit my niece while my sister and her hubby had a date weekend (really for her to work but they got to be without kids).
I was lucky enough to have Perry agree to meet me out there for the weekend.
The first visit after a long break and it was all over for me... :-)

Annabelle listening to a beat on Perry's phone.  It had no vocals but she didn't care, she started freestyling and making up her own!

It was the first time Annabelle had met Perry and she took to him instantly.  Wanted nothing to do with her Aunt, just wanted to hang out with "Cherry".

After my sister and Zack got back, Perry and I were able to go to the beach and just hang out together.  

Pumpkin Carving

Lucky for me I have a ton of friends that have kids.
For the 1st time in years I was able to carve pumpkins for Halloween (okay, I didn't end up carving my own but I got to watch little kids do it, bake the seeds and just have a good time).

I watched my friend James' sons for the night and we went to Wheeler Farm for the Halloween Festivities.

Zeke and Spencer picking out their pumpkins

 Braxton looking for his pumpkin

The rule was "you have to carry your own pumpkin".

After a slight downpour we went to feed the ducks.  Kara has a fear of them since she's been attacked a couple times but I assured her she had nothing to worry about.


(Well apparently Kara is a duck attack magnet and I was laughing too hard to catch an "after" picture of her after the duck bit her!)

Back to the house and the boys started to carve their pumpkins 

Spencer wasn't too sure why I was making him pull out the guts himself

Kara being anal kinda took over carving Braxton's pumpkin

Braxton (obvious help from his mom)

Spencer (all on his own)

Zeke (all on his own)

The boys and their final products!